Laogai Handbook, 2007-2008

Le Laogai, c’est le système chinois d’incarcération et de travaux forcés des prisonniers politiques que l’on cherche à faire disparaître. On trouvera ici en anglais uniquement le « Laogai Handbook [劳 改 手 册] 2007 – 2008 édité par The Laogai Research Foundation de Washington. The Foundation’s purpose is to gather information on the Chinese Laogai – the most extensive system of forced labor camps in the world today – and disseminate this information to journalists, human rights activists, government officials and the general public.

– Directors: Harry Wu, Jeffrey Fiedler, Tienchi Martin-Liao
LRF Board: Harry Wu, Jeffrey Fiedler, Tienchi Martin-Liao, Lodi Gyari

– Our Statement : We have no right to forget those deprived of freedom and life in the Laogai. We are seeking the truth, with the hope that such horrible and inhumane practices will soon cease to exist and will never recur. In China, democracy and the Laogai are incompatible.

我们在寻求真理, 希望这类残暴及非人道的行为早日

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