Pétition « Bring Back Our Girls and End the Abduction of Women and Girls in Nigeria »

Pétition signée par la LDH

On Monday 14th April 2014 over 200 young female students from the Government Girls Secondary School Chibok, Borno State were abducted by heavily armed men. Earlier in the year, on February 25th, 24 girls were abducted at the Federal Government College Buni Yadi where 29 boys between the ages of 11- 18 were also murdered in cold blood.
We call on the International community, the Federal Government of Nigeria, members of the National Assembly and security agencies to bring back our girls and all the women living in captivity alive.
These young girls are daughters, sisters, nieces; the women are mothers, daughters, sisters and aunts and as those directly affected grieve, we, as Nigerians and human beings, join them in their anguish and distress.
We want them back; safe in their homes where they belong. The longer it takes to rescue our girls, the greater the dangers they are exposed to.
As mothers, fathers and siblings we call for the urgent and complete end to the politicization of the insecurity in Nigeria and for the security agencies to secure the lives of our most vulnerable and most precious resource: our children

Sign this petition and help bring back our girls!


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