L’égalité dans la mise en œuvre et l’application de la directive sur la protection temporaire

Lettre ouverte à l’attention à la Commission européenne

Dear Commissioner Ylva Johansson, Commissioner Helena Dalli,

We are writing to request a meeting to discuss the implementation and application of the Temporary Protection Directive 2001/55/EC. We believe that a meeting with the both of you would be a good follow up to the meeting that Commissioner Dalli held last month with civil society organisations working on the issue.

Protection for people leaving their home countries is enshrined in international law and EU conventions. Therefore, we welcome the EU’s decision to use the Temporary Protection Directive (TPD) in response to the Ukraine crisis. This is a positive change demonstrating our solidarity with the people of Ukraine. However, considering ongoing reports of racial and gendered discrimination in the application of the TPD, we call for the European Commission to ensure that TPD is implemented in an inclusive way by all EU Member States so that all those fleeing are protected.

Furthermore, over the past decade, the EU has failed to abide by its obligations under international and EU law through actively limiting safe routes of migration and cracking down on search and rescue operations. In some cases, Member States have even launched criminal proceedings against humanitarians who have tried to help by providing basic assistance such as food and

The use of the TPD for the first time since its adoption and the response to the crisis in Ukraine offers an opportunity to create an EU where international law is respected and all people regardless of their race, ethnicity, or protected nationality are provided protection as set out by international and EU law.

The response shows that the EU is capable of meeting resettlement needs and providing humanitarian visas to those in need of international protection. Europe’s response disproves those who argue that such actions are impossible. We believe that we can create a practical and efficient EU framework that complies with human rights when responding to major migration and protection
situations, prioritising the needs of refugees and persons fleeing armed conflict, violence, and human rights violations.

Therefore, we would like to meet with you to discuss how the EU can:

  • Share best practices of implementation amongst Member States in relation to TPD including showcasing those Member States that have introduced a simplified procedure and extended temporary protection to persons who strictly speaking would not fall under the scope of the TPD
  • Ensure racialised and other refugees are not profiled, discriminated against when applying for TPD
  • Enable those who are legally able to leave under the TPD can go back to their countries and are not forced to apply for asylum in neighbouring countries to Ukraine
  • Create a migration framework that is fair and just for all people and prevent double standards based on race, ethnicity, or nationality
  • Tackle racism and all other forms of discrimination against refugees as per Article 2 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU)

We look forward to receiving your response and possible dates to meet.

Initiating signatories : Equinox Initiative for Racial Justice, African Descent Spain.

Co-signatories : ACP Young Professional Network, Africa World Now Project, African Union Diaspora Youth Initiative, Afrocolombian GlobalInitiative, Afromurcia, Afromurcia en Movimiento, Afromurcia/ potopoto, AlgoRace:, (Des)Racializando la IA, Angélica Cuero Caicedo, Asociación Amáfrica, Asociación Brasileña Maloka, Ateneu Memòria Popular, Atlantic emerge, Black, Voters Matter Fund, CADO-Advocacy and Human Rights Centre (Romania), CEDRES Université Thomas SANKARA, Center for Migration, Gender, and Justice, Center for Muslims’ Rights in Denmark (CEDA), Centre for Peace Studies, Centre for Youths Integrated Development, Churches´Commission for Migrants in Europe CCME, Cnaae Murcia, CRAN – Observatory of anti-Black racisme in Switzerland, CRAN (Carrefour de réflexion et d’action contre le racisme anti-Noir), Observatoire du racisme anti-Noir en Suisse, Democracy International, Encuentra tu voz, Equipo Decenio Afrodescendiente ( IDPAD Team Spain), ERGO network, EUFORIA. Familias Trans-Aliadas, European Civic Forum, European Forum of Muslim Women, European Network of Women of African Descent – ENWAD, European Network on Statelessness, Fair Trials, FEMYSO, Fondation Frantz Fanon, FUNDACION CODIGO HUMANO, Greek Forum of Migrants, IDYME, Institute of Cultural Affairs, Spain, International, Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI), International Federation of, Resistance fighters (FIR), International Refugee Rights Initiative IRRI, International Service for Human Rights (ISHR), Islam en Murcia, Kenyans in Norway, Lallab, Initiating signatories, Equinox Initiative for Racial Justice, African Descent Spain, Ateneu Memòria Popular, Atlantic emerge, Black Voters Matter Fund, CADO-Advocacy and Human Rights Centre (Romania), CEDRES, Université Thomas SANKARA, Center for Migration, Gender, and Justice, Center for Muslims’ Rights in Denmark (CEDA), Centre for Peace Studies, Centre for Youths Integrated Development, Churches´Commission for Migrants in Europe CCME, Cnaae Murcia, CRAN – Observatory of anti-Black racisme in Switzerland, CRAN (Carrefour de réflexion et d’action contre le racisme anti-Noir), Observatoire du racisme anti-Noir en Suisse, Democracy International, Encuentra tu voz, Equipo Decenio Afrodescendiente ( IDPAD Team Spain), ERGO network, EUFORIA. Familias Trans-Aliadas, European Civic Forum, European Forum of Muslim Women, European Network of Women of African, Descent – ENWAD, European Network on Statelessness, FEMYSO, Fondation Frantz Fanon, FUNDACION CODIGO HUMANO, Greek Forum of Migrants, IDYME, Institute of Cultural Affairs, Spain, International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI), International Federation of Resistance fighters (FIR), International Refugee Rights Initiative IRRI, International Service for Human Rights (ISHR), Islam en Murcia, Kenyans in Norway, Lallab, LIGA ESPAÑOLA DE LA EDUCACION Y LA CULTURA POPULAR, Ligue des droits de l’Homme (LDH), Macarena para Todas, Marea Violeta Sanlúcar, Martín Ramírez, Migrant Tales, Movement of Asylum Seekers in Ireland (MASI), Mujeres Supervivientes, Ninguna, Parable of the Sower Intentional Community Cooperative, Phiren Amenca International Network, PICUM – The Platform for International Cooperation on UndocumentedMigrants, Refugee Legal Support (RLS), Refugees Welcome España, Research Group DHEPP-UEG (Goiás State University), Safebow, Ser humano, SOLIDAR, Southern African Miners Association (SAMA), The Populace Foundation International (TPFI), Transitional Justice Institute, Ulster University, Université populaire africaine en Suisse (UPAF), Women’s All Points Bulletin WAPB.


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